Professional Manopower

Professional Manopower

Provision of Professionals and Certified Specialists, Supervisors, Inspectors & Planners, by API, NACE, CSWIP, AWS

Inspectors & Specialists

  1. Certified Risk Based Inspector
  2. Certified Tanks Inspectors
  3. Certified Piping Inspectors
  4. Certified Welding Inspectors
  5. Certified Painting Inspectors
  6. Certified CP Specialist, Technicians, Technologists
  7. Certified Coating Inspectors
  8. Spring Hungers Inspectors
  9. PSV / PZV Inspectors
  10. Rope Access Teams
  11. RT, UT, PT, MT
  12. Electric Inspectors.
  13. Instrument Inspectors
  14. Civil Inspectors

Planners & Dynamic Inspection

  1. Maintenance Planners
  2. Projects Planners
  3. Inspection Planners
  4. Business Planners
  5. Conditioning Monitoring Specialists & Inspectors
  6. Mechanical Inspectors