Cathodic Protection

Cathodic Protection Service

  1. Field surveys
  2. System specifications ad designs
  3. Plans and detail drawings
  4. Close Interval Potential Surveys (CIPS) & Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG) Surveys.
  5. Auxiliary drainage systems
  6. Bond stations
  7. AC interference mitigation
  8. DC interference mitigation
  9. Fault current protection
  10. Material and Equipment


  1. Galvanic anodes (Magnesium, Aluminum and Zinc)
  2. Impressed Current anodes (HISI, MMO, Platinum, Specialty anodes).
  3. Transformer Rectifiers (Oil cooled & air cooled).
  4. Portable Reference electrodes copper copper sulphate (Cu/CuSo4)
  5. Portable Reference electrodes Zinc/Zinc Chlorides (Zn/ZnCl2)
  6. Permanent Reference Electrodes different models & types
  7. Shunts, resistors, variable resistances.
  8. Insulating Materials (Flange Insulation, Dielectric Unions).
  9. Anode groundbed backfilling material.
  10. Cable and Splicing (Insulating Cables, Splicing Materials, Cable connectors, negative plates, Insulating Tapes & Sealants).
  11. Anodes Junction Boxes (AJB).
  12. CP Test Stations & Bonding Stations.different models (TS/TP & TB).

Corrosion Studies

Selecting the best method for protecting a structure is not a simple procedure. Many factors, overall risk based assessment factors must be studied such as the impact of the surrounding environment (internal & external), metallurgy, operation conditions, the potential for interaction with adjacent facilities, government regulations, time and budget constraints and the viability of various corrosion mitigation alternatives.

  1. Corrosion Managment Programs
  2. Risk Based Assessment
  3. Solutions for Frequent Troubleshooting
  4. Provision of Consultants & On Job Trainers
  5. Data management